For the first time in history, Pune hosted the prestigious Army Day Parade on Wednesday. This year marks the 77th Army Day, featuring a diverse array of contingents that depict the spirit of a modern and future-ready Indian Army. The Army Day Parade commemorates Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa’s appointment as the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army in 1949, symbolising India’s post-independence military leadership. (Pics and text/PTI)
15 January,2025 05:57 PM IST | Jyoti ShuklaThe Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has approved the creation of the first-ever all-women reserve battalion in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), marking a significant milestone for the force. The new battalion will have a total strength of 1,025 personnel, all of whom will be women, led by a senior officer of commandant rank. (PICS/PTI)
13 November,2024 02:33 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaA first-ever all-women CISF battalion comprising more than 1,000 personnel has been sanctioned by the Union government keeping in mind the burgeoning duties of the force in VIP security, airports and other vital installations. Pics/CISF
12 November,2024 10:45 PM IST | Asif Ali SayedPolitics and fashion are not disassociated with each other. What politicians wear can significantly shape public opinion about how they think and what they stand for. From colours to textures, from fits to styles, every aspect plays a role in shaping perception. The female politicians of India have often aced their style, with many donning traditional sarees at public appearances as well as personal occasions. As Maharashtra Assembly elections 2024 approach, we look at leaders from the state and other parts of the country who have embraced sarees as their statement style over the years.
12 November,2024 09:16 AM IST | Raaina JainAs the poll projections start for the US presidential elections, Vice President and Democrat Candidate Kamala Harris has become the most talked about personality across the globe. Needless to say, her stylish appearances are also being scrutinized by fashion enthusiasts. Here's looking at some of her best looks
06 November,2024 02:48 PM IST | Oshin FernandesIn her new book, tennis legend Venus Williams lists down six significant factors that acted as catalysts in her journey towards greatness and defeating the odds both on and off the court (Story by Nandini Varma)
04 November,2024 11:22 AM IST | Joy ManikumarIn Mumbai’s 36 Assembly constituencies, 33 per cent of key candidates from major political parties are over 60, while 40 per cent are over 50 (Pic/ X and Facebook)
02 November,2024 11:12 AM IST | Joy ManikumarThe Maharashtra election 2024 sees a boost in female representation across Mumbai, with 16 women candidates from all major parties vying for a place in the Vidhan Sabha (Pic/X)
02 November,2024 09:22 AM IST | Joy ManikumarNew Zealand women's team defeated South Africa women's team to win the Women's T20 World Cup 2024. Here is all you need to know about their triumph (Pic: File Pic/X/ICC)
21 October,2024 06:10 PM IST | Sujay ShivalkarThese clinics aimed to inspire and empower young athletes, promoting inclusivity and essential life values through the game of cricket
13 October,2024 04:33 PM IST | Sujay ShivalkarADVERTISEMENT