Led by India's "Captain Fantastic" Mahendra Singh Dhoni, five Indians have made it to the Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world, whose "ideas spark dialogue and dissent and sometimes even revolution
Led by India's "Captain Fantastic" Mahendra Singh Dhoni, five Indians have made it to the Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world, whose "ideas spark dialogue and dissent and sometimes even revolution."
Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Other Indians on the Time 100 list released on Thursday are "Titan of Industry" Mukesh Ambani, "Brain Mapper" VS Ramachandran, "Philanthropist" Azim Premji and "Change Agent" Aruna Roy.u00a0 The list is topped by Wael Ghonim, the Google executive who became the "Spokesman for a Revolution" in Egypt.
US President Barack Obama ranked 86 trails far behind his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (43), Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (6), WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (9) and Pakistani spy master Ahmed Shuja
Pasha (17).
Ranked 52nd, Dhoni under whose leadership India won its first Cricket World Cup in 28 years, Time noted, "is now universally acknowledged as India's best captain ever. He's also its most likable, exuding both cool confidence and down-to-earth humility."
Dhoni doesn't just lead a cricket team; he's also India's captain of hope. And he didn't just win India the World Cup; he also taught India how to win."