Jaipur: The drama surrounding the Rajasthan Cricket Association took a new turn yesterday after "suspended secretary" of the Lalit Modi faction, Sumendra Tiwary, filed a police complaint against leader of rival group Amin Pathan, who was in turn "suspended" by the former IPL supremo's faction for bringing disrepute to RCA
Lalit Modi
Jaipur: The drama surrounding the Rajasthan Cricket Association took a new turn yesterday after "suspended secretary" of the Lalit Modi faction, Sumendra Tiwary, filed a police complaint against leader of rival group Amin Pathan, who was in turn "suspended" by the former IPL supremo's faction for bringing disrepute to RCA.
Lalit Modi
Pathan claimed to have ousted Modi along with secretary Tiwary and treasurer Pawan Goyal with the support of 23 out of 33 district units of RCA which deputy president Mehmood Abdi had termed "illegal".
Police picket at RCA
"Today, RCA secretary Sumendra Tiwari filed a complaint with the Jyoti Nagar Police Station informing them about the attempt by Amin Pathan and his supporters trying to forcefully enter the RCA premises last night. A police picket has been set up at RCA to prevent any unlawful entry," Abdi told PTI.