India's leading players will feature in the 36th Maharashtra State Open Squash Championship to be organised and hosted by Bombay Gymkhana from October 7-11.
India's leading players will feature in the 36th Maharashtra State Open Squash Championship to be organised and hosted by Bombay Gymkhana from October 7-11.
The categories include U-9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 for boys and girls. Professionals over-35, 45 and 55. Entries within Maharashtra should be sent to The Bombay Gymkhana, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001 (Tel: 022-22070311).
Entries from outside Maharashtra should be sent via email to [email protected] (Tel: 022-Tel: 24340254).
Last date for entries is September 30.u00a0