Bollwyood actress Kangana Ranaut has stressed on the need to fight against disrespect towards women by lending support to a television serial that portrays an ordinary girl's resolve to reclaim her respect.
Bollwyood actress Kangana Ranaut has stressed on the need to fight against disrespect towards women by lending support to a television serial that portrays an ordinary girl's resolve to reclaim her respect.
"With 'Pratigya', we aim to bring alive an icon whose journey is one that women can relate to, identify with and be inspired by. Breaking stereotypes, we have created a protagonist who is not a victim but a reformer," Sanjay Gupta, COO, Star India, said in a statement here Thursday.
Co-produced by Walkwater Media Limited and Spell Bound Production, "Pratigya" stars Pooja Gaur in the lead.
To be telecast from Dec 7, the show will be aired five days a week on Star Plus.