Ben Affleck, whose thriller movie "Argo" clinched two top honours -- best film and best director -- at the 70th Golden Globe awards, thanked his wife Jennifer Garner for her constant support throughout the movie's shooting.
"I want to thank my wife who is the reason why I'm standing here," Affleck said after claiming the prize on stage, reports"I adore you. I love you so much. Thanks for sitting through this. You are my everything. Thank you," he added.
The actor-filmmaker was overwhelmed with his nomination for the best director itself. u00a0He gushed over the names of other nominees that presenter Halle Berry had read off: Steven Spielberg for "Lincoln", Ang Lee for "Life of Pi", Kathryn Bigelow for "Zero Dark Thirty" and Quentin Tarantino for "Django Unchained".
"Look, I don't care what the award is. When they put your name next to the names she just read off, it's an extraordinary thing in your life," Affleck said.