Child actor Asmi Deo of Jagriti balances acting and studies effortlessly, with support from co-stars Titiksha Shrivastava and Yash Gera who help with her schoolwork.
(From left) Titiksha Shrivastava, Asmi Deo, and Yash Gera
Working on television, especially as a lead, is a 24x7 job, but child actor Asmi Deo of Jagriti fame is handling it effortlessly. She balances her acting assignment with her studies. Asmi gets constant support from her on-screen parents, Titiksha Shrivastava and Yash Gera, who ensure her education and character portrayal thrive seamlessly. Titiksha said, “Asmi, being the youngest member of our Jagriti-Ek Nayi Subah family, is adored by everyone on set. At just seven years old, she amazes us with her talent and constant eagerness to learn something new from each one of us. She is incredibly gifted. During our breaks, Yash and I make it a point to sit with her and support her with schoolwork.” So sweet!