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Time to tell our kids that exams don’t define us

Updated on: 31 May,2024 06:54 AM IST  |  Mumbai
The Editorial |

It is a time of anxiety but excitement, too, as new beginnings beckon.

Time to tell our kids that exams don’t define us

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Examination result time, followed by admission time is a challenging one for students and families. The recent SSC results show us that there are several who have top scored in the school board exams. There is a high percentage of students who have passed. Youngsters can now look forward to closing one chapter—that of their school life and opening another, college life and a career path ahead. It is a time of anxiety but excitement, too, as new beginnings beckon.

One has to remember though that this is a high-stress time and teenagers must have mental health help required when necessary. We have certain counselling helplines which become extra busy when results come in. Do encourage the younger generation to seek help if they think they need it. Credible, informative, well-trained counsellors are now available at certain centres, helplines are relatively accessible and any hesitation in seeking help should be unnecessary. 

Try to talk as much as possible at home, too, wise words, reassurance and patience will mean a lot to a student who may be struggling to cope with results or fearful of the avenues for the immediate future. Realise that this is a time for confusion and sometimes disappointment, too, if avenues of choice seem shut because of percentage. This is the time for parents to give some time and attention to their children and even a gentle nudge in the right direction, help for experts may be the right way to go.

With its myriad choices, intense and even cut-throat competition the world is a more complicated place now, so some would need more guidance through these times. Pay attention to any distress signals and try to attend to them through trained experts. Meanwhile, students must learn that though they may be taken aback or disappointed with their marks, there will surely be other exams. Tread these waters carefully, wisely and well.

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